Community Blog

Meet Impactscool’s Ambassadors: Nicholas Chilese

20 November 2019 | Written by La redazione

Continue the journey to discover the Impactscool community. Today we meet Nicholas Chilese, Ambassador and Future Activist of Impactscool, responsible for the Future Hub of Vicenza

New appointment with the Impactscool Community blog. After having told you about the Ambassador Day and the news of 2020, with the Future Camps in the foreground, let us return to the readers of our Magazine the people who are part of the Impactscool world.

It is the time of Nicholas Chilese, Ambassador and Future Activist of Impactscool and Contributor of this Magazine. Passionate about economics and innovation, as well as sociology and psychology, he collaborates with an innovative startup active in the context of Equity Crowdfunding and deals with Digital Strategy in Milan in a consulting and training company.

Finally, he is the coordinator of the team of ‘Impactscool Future Hub of Vicenza, which opened its activities in early November.


What does it mean for you to be an Impactscool Ambassador?

It means being part of a constantly evolving movement that aims to raise awareness of scientific and technological impacts. A movement that takes shape through participatory meetings in schools, in companies in public places and with the production of content and their online discussion. It does not necessarily mean teaching or giving definite answers about the future but rather giving the tools to ask the right questions and face economic social innovations with an awareness of the risks and opportunities of the impacts of new technologies


The future in three words…

Digital: “algorithms” will become increasingly important in everyday economic and social activities. It is necessary to know how to use and manage the risks of privacy and dependence that derive from it, especially for the youngest. Humanity: in the era of technological singularity we must reflect on what differentiates us from machines as creativity and management of human relations. I continue with human civilization, a paradigm shift in the management of the resources of the planet earth will be indispensable. But it will also require sustainability of the financial system which, if disconnected from the real economy, risks creating even worse crises.


What do you do today and what will your work be in the future?

Today I am Junior Project Manager at WeAreStarting, where we deal with managing a community of investors on Italian SMEs and startups, and Web marketing specialist as a freelancer. In the future, similarly to date, I will help companies from inside or outside to develop their business especially with a view to using economic, digital and technological innovations. Or I’ll be a sociologist, following a hobby of mine.


What are the major opportunities that technological development will bring and what are the risks?

Opportunities are linked to simplification and improved capacity in the performance of daily activities, we may find ourselves in the future in the condition of no longer having to drive or carry out heavy work. At the same time, this will make many of the activities performed by human beings useless. The greatest challenge will be the conversion of the skills of low-level education workers, especially in developing countries where the growth of the economy is much faster than the increase in rights and education.


How do you imagine 2050?

In 2050 the geopolitical aspect of the world will be different. Due to overpopulation and lack of resources, we will encounter new wars, not for oil but for water and arable land. The balance of power will not be those of today and some of the developing countries today will have established themselves as world leaders or will occupy more prominent roles. Research and education will be increasingly central to determining the success or otherwise of a geographical area.


How will your hobby be in the future?

In the future like today, my hobby will be sports, more or less of every kind, journeys, ever more distant and the study of the behavior of society, as a good sociologist.

La redazione
La redazione

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