Community Blog

FutureNetwork is born: the publishing project dedicated to the future

28 November 2019 | Written by La redazione

The dissemination activity of Impactscool on Instagram becomes four: the thematic pages on technology, science and climate change arrive

Create greater awareness of the changes taking place to offer all the tools to face the future. This is the mission of Impactscool, which is carried out through training activities and events but also with scientific dissemination. On this second aspect, several channels have been developed over the years to involve all the targets: for young people, in particular, the privileged tool is Instagram where next to the official page the Impactscool editorial staff also takes care of the contents of, Curious_it and Climate Change. To put together the efforts made over the years and to differentiate the contents as much as possible, FutureNetwork is born, a publishing project dedicated to the future.


Future Network’s Instagram pages reach almost 240,000 people. Each page of the group focuses on specific topics. In particular, Cambiamento Climatico is dedicated to the environmental emergency: it shares news and in-depth information on the topic, to raise awareness and promote good practices and concrete actions to combat the current crisis. Curious_it, on the other hand, is a page full of scientific curiosities: the latest news from the world of research and studies that could change our future. deals with the development, applications, and impacts of technology. On the Impactscool page, as well as telling about the community and the organization’s activities, news and insights are published on the future in all its facets, focusing on ethical and social implications. In-depth news will be published through Instagram stories, with a direct reference to articles published in Impactscool Magazine.


News from the Future and other videos. The Impactscool publishing project also aims at videos: every Monday the main news on technologies and innovation with the TG from the Future and its surroundings. On Thursday, instead, the videos of the popularizer Hashem Al Ghaili translated and distributed exclusively in Italian. And then again, the services of our Ambassadors and Contributor, including Antoine Auriol, former world surfing champion, and the editorial interview.

“To achieve effective dissemination on these issues – comments Andrea Dusi, President and Co-founder of Impactscool – you need to talk to everyone. The challenge is to communicate with different languages ​​and on different channels. For the boys, our point of reference also for training activities, we could only choose Instagram: putting together the effort of editing on the different pages, differentiating and valuing the various contents, it seems to us the best way to grow and always place ourselves more as a point of reference for information, sharing and debate on these issues “.

La redazione
La redazione

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