Future Society
Microelectronics, the European Commission approved the investments
19 December 2018
| Written by La redazione
The joint project of France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom managed to obtain investments totaling 1.75 billion
The European Commission has approved the project presented by France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom and aimed at implementing investments in microelectronics, a “fundamental enabling technology”, as the Commission itself has defined, which contributes to a common European interest. Thanks to the project, in the next few years the four States will be able to provide loans up to €1.75 billion, to which another 6 billion of private investments could be added.
The project, which will end in 2024, will involve 29 subjects from France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. The only participating company from Italy will be STMicroelectronics, the largest European manufacturer of semiconductor chips for revenue.
The project will be fundamental from the point of view of research and application of innovative technologies and components, such as chips, integrated circuits and sensors that can have important implications also in aspects of our daily life. In particular, the work of the subjects involved in the project will focus on 5 different technological sectors: energy efficient chips (development of new solutions to improve chip energy efficiency); power semiconductors (development of new component technologies for intelligent devices and electric and hybrid vehicles); intelligent sensors (processing of new optical sensors, motion or magnetic field sensors, capable of better performance and with greater precision), advanced optical equipment (development of more effective technologies for future high-end chips); composite materials (development of new composite materials instead of silicon and devices suitable for more advanced chips).
These technological sectors are to be considered complementary and interconnected: the chips, in fact, are usually not sold alone, but are generally provided as parts of an integrated system. These systems require a combination of processes and technologies that fall within the different scopes of the project. For this reason, the participants in the project will be involved in over 100 collaborations between the various sectors, in 40 closely inter-related sub-projects.
La redazione
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