70% of jobs require digital skills
3 December 2019 | Written by La redazione
This is what emerges from the "Digital skills report" created by the Excelsior Information System of Unioncamere and Anpal, discussed at JOB & Orienta

Digital skills do not only concern IT companies but are a requirement that is now necessary across all sectors that are preparing to face Digital Transformation. According to a report by the Excelsior Information System of Unioncamere and Anpal, presented in an area of the JOB & Orienta fair, 7 out of 10 jobs, over 3.1 million professional profiles, require skills related to the digital world.
According to the report, one of the key competences for the digital world of work concerns the use of mathematical and computer languages: a fundamental requirement for 51% of the profiles analyzed (2.3 million), while basic digital skills and the ability 58% of the profiles (2.7 million) were requested to manage visual and multimedia communication tools. More limited is the diffusion of the demand for specific skills – and obviously more specialized – for the management of robotic solutions and technologies, big data analytics, internet of things, etc. to business processes.
Contamination. Regardless of the work environment, a peculiarity that emerged from the study is that the work of the future is “contamination”: professionals must be able to combine digital skills with traditional training. Among the under-29 graduates those who see the greatest demand for e-skills are: graduates in statistics, in civil and environmental engineering, mathematical, physical and natural sciences, agriculture; among graduates under 29, on the other hand, those who come from graphic design and communication, industrial and artisan production and maintenance, mechanics, mechatronics and energy. The professions that refer to the world of Big Data continue to be numerous, of course, including data scientists and big data analysts.
The importance of school. In this panorama it is up to the school to direct young people towards these fields, preparing them to face their challenges. Challenges that also concern the training itself which must change its tools, languages and methods, and which the Ministry of Education, University and Research has welcomed and is preparing to address through 35 actions of the National Digital School Plan. Several schools have already understood the importance of riding change, without undergoing it, putting into practice innovative projects capable of winning awards at an international level.