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Impactscool: international events in May 2019

3 May 2019 | Written by La redazione

The two Co-founders Cristina Pozzi and Andrea Dusi will be among the speakers of two important festivals that will be in Cyprus and Oslo respectively


After having organized workshops and training activities in five different countries during its first two years of activity, Impactscool returns abroad and does so within two important international festivals dedicated to the themes of future and innovation. In particular, Cristina Pozzi will be a guest of the Cyprus “Reflect Festival” on May 9th, while the following week, May 14th, Andrea Dusi will be among the speakers of the 2019 edition of the “Katuapult Future Fest“.

Reflect Festival. On 9th and 10th May Cyprus becomes the capital of the discussion on the future with the Reflect Festival, the largest event dedicated to these issues between southern Europe and the Middle East.


Over 1000 attendees in Limassol, including entrepreneurs, managers, innovators and students, who will listen to the speeches of over 40 speakers: among them also Cristina Pozzi, Impactscool CEO and Co-founder, nominated by the World Economic Forum among the Young Global Leaders 2019-2024. The only Italian among the speakers of the event, on May 10th Cristina will hold the speech "The future is open source: how do we make it together?", within the panel dedicated to Education. Katuapult Future Fest. The following week, from 14 to 16 May, Impactscool will make a stop in Norway, in Oslo. The appointment is with the 2019 edition of the Katuapult Future Fest, an event dedicated to exponential technologies, impact investing and awareness, to stimulate reflection and debate on the future. Among the protagonists also Andrea Dusi, President and Co-founder of Impactscool, who will talk about the importance of high-impact investments from a social and environmental point of view to guide the change towards the best of possible futures.
La redazione
La redazione

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