News of the week selected by Impactscool – April 30, 2018
30 April 2018 | Written by La redazione

The most important news on technology and the future, selected from all over the web for Impactscool’s readers
There are more and more drones and this is causing an increase in accidents and collisions in flight. This is why the main airlines in the world have decided to support the development of a worldwide drone register. This register, managed by the United Nations, would make it possible to control the use of drones in a more rigid way, particularly in areas close to airports, and would guarantee stricter conditions for possible violations. The perspective is to merge the current register of the International Civil Aviation Organization for aircraft with the new drone register, in order to have a unique tool for the entire sector.
The facial recognition function returns to Facebook
After withdrawing it in 2012 for privacy reasons, Facebook has activated the facial recognition function for European and Canadian users again. This is a controverse decision because the social network giant is still struggling with the consequences of the Cambridge Analytical case. The function allows users to be recognized, despite the absence of tags, within photos and videos uploaded to the platform through biometric identification. Facial recognition, however, is not imposed and every user could activate it or remove it by accessing its own personal data management settings. This is one of the many functions that will require specific authorizations and will be implemented with the entry into force of the new European regulation on privacy.
Artificial intelligence to fight crime
In the near future, video surveillance will not only detect ongoing criminal activities, but may even identify a crime before it is realized. How? Through a system of artificial intelligence that the Cortica and Best Group companies are working on in India. AI would be able to identify some “behavioral anomalies” that signal an individual’s intention to commit a violent crime. If facial recognition in video surveillance systems has been already used to identify wanted people, the project that Cortica and Best Group are working on certainly represents a next step that, up until now, had only been described in films of science fiction. On the safety of citizens, however, it is always better to be cautious: for any doubts we recommend viewing the film by Steven Spilberg Minority Report.