How does the lawyer transform?
1 July 2020 | Written by La redazione
Among new tools and skills, the legal profession is changing: we talked about it in a new appointment 20 minutes from the future with Carlo Gagliardi, Managing partner of Deloitte Legal

Professions rich in history and tradition are also going through a moment of great change. An example is the lawyer, who is facing a transformation as profound as necessary between technological tools and new skills required by the market.
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We asked Carlo Gagliardi, Managing partner of Deloitte Legal, during the appointment on June 23 of “20 minutes from the future”.
Towards liquid knowledge. There are many technologies that are entering the activities of a lawyer, but there is one in particular that also enables all the others: the Internet. “We are entering the era of what we can define information technology – explains Gagliardi – and knowledge, even the technical-legal one, has become liquid, available to everyone on the internet. Any professional can ask a question, even technical, to the internet that is able to provide us with a series of answers in a more or less accurate way. This transformation of the structure of knowledge determines a transformation of the structures that underlie the relationship between lawyer and society. This is where the epochal change lies. “