Designing the future: anticipating tomorrow through art
14 May 2020 | Written by La redazione
L’arte ha da sempre un ruolo importante nella costruzione di un immaginario collettivo sul domani. Ne abbiamo parlato con l’illustratore Carlo Stanga, ospite di un nuovo appuntamento di 20 minuti dal futuro
Illustration by Carlo Stanga
The first step in building the future is to imagine it. In the history of humanity, art has always played an important role in exploring and representing tomorrow, thus also participating in its creation.
We talked about it with Carlo Stanga, an architect by training and today a professional illustrator, with whom we have deepened the relationship between art and future in all its facets, from the creative process to the tools used to create and spread the works.
Designing the future post Covid. Carlo Stanga is the author of the illustrated cover of an important monthly newspaper, for which he represented the future after Coronavirus. “I have introduced a series of elements into the street of an Italian city: among these, the nature that takes possession of the city, with lots of wild animals, and the house that becomes the place where a series of activities take place, from work to exercise. There is a sort of metamorphosis in the world. It was not difficult to get inspired in this case, because it is something that we are already experiencing. ”
The cities of tomorrow. Cities and buildings are often among the subjects of Carlo Stanga’s illustrations: expression also of his training as an architect, a profession that by nature must be able to imagine the future to build functional and destined buildings to last within the landscape urban. “I love drawing cities – he explained – and for a Berlin museum I represented a future city, in 30, 40 or 50 years. Nature is very present, to try to clean the air and eliminate the division with urban spaces as much as possible. In addition, there is a massive use of technology and digital “.
The tools also change. “There is a lot of contamination between analog and digital. For example, I always start from a hand drawing and then those on a computer. Also I can work anywhere in the world and this is a great possibility. Digital has brought freedom but creativity and skills do not change, they are only facilitated and enhanced. The human aspect remains central “.