20 minutes from the future

Raise awareness on the climate issue? A child’s play

30 October 2020 | Written by La redazione

Change Game is a video game designed by an advanced research center on climate change, the CMCC Foundation to educate about climate change

Change Game is a video game that confronts the complexity of climate change, and how it interacts with society and natural ecosystems.

Players will find out how the choices they make affect both their environment and other people. By creating a city from scratch, they will discover how the decisions they take have an impact on climate change. Collaborating with other players, making the right investments and pursuing sustainable development goals will help to create communities that are resilient to natural disasters. Learning to recognize the importance of science is essential to understanding the world in which we live in and the possible trajectories of future developments.


This is Change Game, a video game designed by an advanced research center on climate change, the CMCC Foundation, and developed in collaboration with an educational gaming company, Melazeta, with the financial support of Climate KIC EIT.


The groundbreaking innovation of Change Game is that all game scenarios are based on real climate data and scientific research. The higher the level of emissions players generate, the greater the challenges they will all face – heat waves, droughts, floods, rising sea levels, the spread of new diseases. By investing in research, players can find new solutions and take advantage of the technologies of the future. Through education they can promote more sustainable social behaviour, and there are ways in which they can interact with neighbouring cities through trade, climate strikes, corruption attacks and fake news. Every action taken has consequences, positive or negative, on the planet: everything is governed by the climate emergency.

Change Game leverages the potential of video games to process climate-related information in a fun, educational and interactive way, and to represent the complexity of the climate system and its interactions with humankind and natural ecosystems.

The most advanced science for an interactive game: the groundbreaking innovation of Change Game is that all game scenarios are based on scientific data developed by climate scientists. Science represents the anchor of all the choices made in different phases of the game. In addition, the game aims to encourage a debate among players about what innovations are necessary to create resilient and zero-emission societies.

Change Game was developed, using the Game Thinking methodology, by the Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i cambiamenti climatici (CMCC), the Italian center for international and multidisciplinary research on the interactions between climate, socio-economic systems, and natural ecosystems, in collaboration with Melazeta S.r.l., a specialist developer of educational games, and with the financial support of  Climate KIC EIT.

La redazione
La redazione

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