Good news about Covid 19 – 01/04/20
1 April 2020 | Written by La redazione
The good news today on Covid-19, to look to the future with hope.
- Genalyte is a startup that has developed a coronavirus positivity test that does not measure viral load through a swab but which is based on a serological text to analyze the presence and characteristics of antibodies giving a result in just 15 minutes.
- Several clinical trials on some vaccines are already underway but it will take some time for their efficacy and safety to be assured. In the meantime, the biotechnology company Moderna Therapeutics is already preparing for industrial production, so as to be ready to supply the vaccine in the shortest possible time.
- Apple has released an app that keeps up to date on the coronavirus emergency based on data, information and guidelines released by the CDC, the Center for Disease Control, the United States public health federal agency
- The Turin startup Omnidermal Biomedics has developed a system that automates the manual respirators called “ambu” (Auxiliary Manual Breathing Unit), the self-expanding balloons used to manually support a patient’s respiratory activity. The system is also able to monitor breathing parameters in real time.
- Fitprime is an Italian startup that allows access to more than 1300 sports centers via an App. With the arrival of the coronavirus, it has reinvented itself by bringing the gyms to its users’ homes. So FitprimeTV was born, a free platform for all users until the end of the emergency, with hundreds of video workouts.
- Veneto distributes protection filters to the population for free. They are not surgical masks but could help reduce the infection.