Good news about Covid-19 – 16/04/20
16 April 2020 | Written by La redazione
The good news today on Covid-19, to look to the future with hope.
- An analysis of the Coronavirus genome made in Italy revealed that it mutates very slowly, good news for the development of cures and vaccines
- In the italian regions of Molise and Basilicata since April 14 there have not been registered new infections
- Lego has modified some of its machines to produce visors and other protective equipment for Danish doctors
- The famous photographer Steve McCurry paid homage to Italy with a series of shots that capture the beauty of the country
- Louis Vuitton, Burberry and Chanel are producing masks, gowns and other protective equipment to donate to doctors
- Celtic fans organized a fundraiser to support collectives and ultras groups in Italy engaged in solidarity actions during the covid emergency