The good news about Covid 19 – 27/03/20
27 March 2020 | Written by La redazione

Today’s good news about Covid-19, to look at the future with hope.
- A collaboration between IBM and The Weather Channel has led to the creation of a digital dashboard on which to stay updated on the progress of the Coronavirus pandemic. Using data from official sources, it allows you to observe a map of the infection, the trend of infections and other useful data.
- Louis Vitton is producing hand sanitiser in its perfume factories. It intends to meet the needs of France and for this reason it will distribute it free of charge to healthcare professionals.
- Softbank and other tech companies have decided to donate 1.4 million N95 masks to New York State. The announcement made on Twitter comes in time of need, with the state’s medical supplies declining rapidly.
- The Italian Red Cross has activated a special psychological teleassistance service dedicated specifically to healthcare workers involved in the Covid-19 emergency, which answers 06.5510.
- Decathlon Italia has decided to donate 10,000 of its Easybreath masks to the Italian regions so that they can be transformed, thanks to the Isinnova initiative, into emergency respirators thanks to 3D printing.
- After a week of hospitalization, a 101 year old from Rimini recovered from the Coronavirus. It is the second pandemic to which he survives: in 1919, the year in which he was born, Europe was plagued by Spanish fever.