Milan Covid free: entrepreneurs team up to offer free tests to their collaborators
26 August 2020 | Written by La redazione
With the #MilanoCovidFree campaign, companies offer Covid tests, free for their collaborators, upon returning from vacation and smart working

Free Covid tests before returning to the company from holidays or long months of smart working, offered by local companies to all their collaborators. This is the synthesis of the “Milan Covid Free” project, promoted by a group of Milanese entrepreneurs led by Nuvolab. Objective: to guarantee everyone (workers and entrepreneurs but, first of all, citizens), a safe return to Milan after the summer.
“Milano Covid Free” from today advertises the memberships in the Milan area of companies that undertake to offer free tests (serological and / or nasopharyngeal swabs) to their employees. The site reports all the medical centers that offer Covid test packages for companies in the area. Furthermore, the “Milan Covid Free” network aims to raise awareness among Milanese citizens on testing and contact tracing issues, also promoting the “Immuni” app.
An initiative that started “from below” but which immediately found strong support from numerous institutional subjects, starting with the Municipality of Milan itself, fully aligned with the good practices promoted by the initiative, as underlined by the councilor Cristina Tajani “Milan Covid Free is an initiative consistent with the commitment of the Municipality of Milan to promote active health surveillance in all workplaces. The Municipality itself, as the main employer of the city, has promoted a serological screening campaign and swabs for its employees , in order to ensure the safety of all “.
There is no lack of adhesions from trade associations and organizations representing the world of national innovation such as Confcommercio Milano, Assintel and Italia Startup. As Francesco Inguscio, CEO of Nuvolab points out: “to defeat the virus, we must make prevention viral: testing and contact tracing from” isolated “examples of individual civic sense must become part of a collective common sense protocol”.