Impactscool’s contribution to the school of the future
22 April 2020 | Written by Cristina Pozzi
In a dark moment like the one we are experiencing, it is increasingly evident that school has and will play a central role. We work to give young people hope and offer them the tools to co-create the best possible future
A great honor, but above all a responsibility.
Certainly, it is an important recognition for Impactscool and the work we have done in these three years the fact of having been invited to participate in the external professionality Committee of the MIUR set up by the Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina with the aim of formulating and presenting ideas and proposals for the school to come.
As I said, however, it is above all a responsibility, not only towards male and female students but also towards the whole society.
Since the Minister’s note with the list of Committee members has been published, we have received many messages, demonstrating how much the school plays a central role in our society, not only on the educational front, and how many stakeholders gravitate around it.
In a dark period like the present one, a transformative moment that could mark an epochal passage, it is essential to give students, students, and families confidence and hope.
We must do this not only by teaching boys and girls to read and understand the future but also by giving them the tools to write it and influence it towards horizons that we believe are preferable.
This is why I am happy that among the objectives of the commission there is not only that of defining strategies and making proposals with reference to the current health emergency and the recovery from September, but also that of looking more generally at the future of the national education system in the long term. We are called to transform the school and adopt new tools, doing it with a look to the future, and not only to the present is synonymous with a strong focus on the country.
There is the topic of digitization, of course, but there is also and above all a matter about the method, training, and new forms of education, which requires to thoroughly (re)imagine the whole path, contents, and methods of education. Technology alone is not enough, a vision is needed.
Now the important thing is to get to work, head down.
The current emergency certainly offers an opportunity, but also and above all, it presents us with a need: to design the school of tomorrow, an inclusive, resilient school, ready to face changes and to provide young people with the tools to fully live in the world that surrounds us and that we will create in the coming years. A school that allows our boys and girls to write the best of the future possible.