The guidelines for teaching civic education
25 June 2020 | Written by La redazione
Azzolina: “Study of the Constitution, sustainable development, digital citizenship are the three pillars. Staff training is fundamental "
The Ministry of Education has sent guidelines for the teaching of civic education to all schools. Starting next year school, 2020/2021, this teaching, transversal to other subjects, will in fact be mandatory in all grades of education, starting from kindergartens. Civic education will go hand in hand with respect for the environment and the digital world: two fundamental components for the future, on which it is important to start reflecting also within the school fabric. On the one hand, climate emergency and global warming, issues already very dear to young people, on the other Cyberbullying and data protection, but also active citizenship, fake news, communication and digital identity: topics that Impactscool, through its formats and methodologies participatory, is already bringing in schools.
The rest of this entry is in italian.