Next week’s events by Impactscool – October 29th to November 4th
26 October 2018 | Written by La redazione
Like it does every week, Impactscool’s team will be involved in several events all across Italy and beyond. Find out where you can find us.
Gathered together to imagine how our planet will be in 2050, students from eleven schools across the city and the province imagined a more ecological, cleaner, and above all more livable world. That was the outcome of the Vision Hack, held on October 17th by Impactscool in collaboration with To Be Verona, the international forum dedicated to the development of innovative ideas, and education and training for young people, adults and businesses.
After the motivational speeches given by Cristina Pozzi, Andrea Dusi and Hady Ghassabian from the Impactscool team, the young minds were asked to close their eyes and try to imagine the future of their city: the students, divided into groups, tried to shape their ideas of the future, with innovative transport systems and technologies able to transform the world in which we live. The three most deserving groups were asked to present their projects to the public of To Be Verona, during the Forum on October 20th: the event’s main theme was “Disruptive Learning: not just technology”. Andrea Dusi, president of Impactscool, also spoke on the stage of To Be Verona, among the various Italian and international guests, and he focused on the future of education and what we should expect from the school of tomorrow.
Andrea will also be a guest of the University of Ferrara on October 30th for a meeting in the Economics and Management Department. During the meeting, Dusi will present his book, “How to make a start-up fail and be happy” and he will discuss with students about bankruptcies and innovation.
Little accustomed to publicly share our failures, from private to business, we are convinced that our “missed successes” are a secret to hide. But studying the failures, one’s own or those of others, explains Andrea Dusi, is an indispensable tool for identifying errors that should not be committed and drawing lessons on the virtuous practices to be followed. And why not, to learn to be happy. With the students of Ferrara, therefore, Andrea will share his story and his experiences, to explain that “failure is not the end of everything, it is a lesson to start again. There are no faults, only mistakes not to be repeated”.