Next week’s events by Impactscool –November 5th – 11th
2 November 2018 | Written by La redazione
Like it does every week, Impactscool’s team will be involved in several events all across Italy and beyond. Find out where you can find us.

On November 9th, the Manzoni Theater in Milan will host the second edition of Learning 360, the largest Italian event dedicated to Digital Learning and the future of education. Exponential technologies, artificial intelligence and robotics will be the protagonists of the event, thanks to many exceptional guests who will compete for the stage: among the first names announced are also those of Luca La Mesa, Social Media Strategist Publisoftweb, Ivan Mazzoleni, Business Digital Transformation Lead at Microsoft, Fabio Viola, Director of the Master in Gamification & Engagement Design at the European Institute of Design, Mirko Pallera, CEO and founder of Ninja and Ninja Academy and Andrea Fontana, CEO of Storyfactory. Also on the Learning 360 stage will be Cristina Pozzi, CEO and Co-Founder of Impactscool, to talk about her book “2050. Tourist guide for travelers in time”.
Future events and changes will also be discussed on November 10th: during the second day of Generazione, organized by the online newspaper Linkiesta, Andrea Dusi, President and Co-Founder of Impactscool will also speak. In particular, Andrea will intervene in the panel dedicated to the world of work in the future and entitled “How we will work tomorrow“. Organized by Linkiesta in collaboration with The Adecco Group, KAP and VISVERBI, Generazione will be in the triple meaning of generating new ideas, acting and doing it through the new generations, who already say and do something in Italy and beyond.
November 10th is an important day for the whole Impactscool team: in Milan, in fact, will be held the Ambassador Day, a day of training and discussion reserved for our Ambassadors. The event was born with the idea of sharing ideas and opinions with our team of Ambassadors, a group of enterprising boys and girls who are passionate about the future. At the Milan date will follow two other events to meet the Ambassadors of central and southern Italy, more precisely in Rome and Bari.
Save the date
Finally, registrations are open for Future Gate: in collaboration with Grow it up! and Cariplo Factory, Impactscool organizes six events dedicated to how to best prepare for the future. The first stop of Future Gate will be held on November 14th at the Cariplo Factory offices in Milan and will be dedicated to exponential technologies and their social impacts.