World news

News of the week selected by Impactscool – September 30th

30 September 2019 | Written by La redazione

Scopri le notizie del #futuro scelte dalla redazione di #Impactscool Magazine questa settimana!

In Virginia, drugs arrive by drone

Testing of a new delivery method for WalGreen will begin in October with the help of FedEx that will use drones to transport over-the-counter medicines from warehouses. The drones will not land but once they reach their destination they will drop the market with cables while they remain suspended in mid-air.


Indoor solar cells: the green revolution in the home

Imagine producing energy thanks to the light present in your home environments. The first indoor solar cells are described in the scientific journal Nature Energy. Developed by the collaboration between the organic electronics and biomolecular research group of the Swedish University of Linkoping and that of the University of Beijing, they produce enough energy to power IoT devices that are about to enter the homes of millions of people.


IBM has reached a new milestone in quantum computers

The announcement shook the world of information technology and beyond, a new quantum computer developed by IBM with 53 QuBits at its disposal that will allow reaching calculation speeds inaccessible to normal computers. A quantum computer uses QuBits to perform its calculations, a unit of quantum information that can represent a 0 or a 1, like traditional computers, but also both simultaneously thanks to the principle of superposition. This possibility allows quantum computers to do much more elaborate calculations than classic computers and much faster. According to rumors, even Google would have succeeded – with a system with 53 qubits – to do in just 3 minutes a calculation that a traditional computer would have taken 10 thousand years to solve.


The flexible battery is ready for commercialization

Researchers from the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich have succeeded in developing an elastic battery. It can be deformed without breaking or stop flowing current. “So far – explains the coordinator of the study Markus Niederberger, expert in multi-functional materials of the Eth in Zurich – nobody had ever used only flexible components in a systematic way as we did in creating a lithium ion battery”. This battery will be able in the future to feed folding devices, such as smartphones or tablets, and even smart clothes.



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