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Also talks about 2050

12 November 2018 | Written by La redazione

In the online newspaper, a long article on the book by Cristina Pozzi and Impactscool

“Cristina Pozzi’s book traces an optimistic portrait of the future. To avoid dangerous detours in the Black Mirror style, reflection on the future is fundamental”.

The journalist Irene Dominioni is the author of a long article, published on, dedicated to “2050. Guida (fu)turistica per viaggiatori nel tempo” and to Impactscool.
In the articles the journalist speaks about various aspects of the book written by Cristina Pozzi and about Impactscool and its mission: “« If you do not dive into the future, if you do not understand it, if you do not have ‘opportunity to reflect on it, you can not influence it,’ – explains Pozzi, interviewed in the articles – ‘We always think that the future will not affect us, or that the problems will solve someone else, but we can address some things already today’ “.

Read the article.

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