The newspaper L’Arena interviewed Andrea Dusi
30 November 2018 | Written by La redazione
Interviewed by the newspaper of Verona, the president of Impactscool explained the mission of the non-profit that wants to bring the future in schools and universities.
The Verona’s newspaper L’Arena has dedicated an in-depth analysis to Impactscool, with an interview with the President Andrea Dusi. An opportunity to reiterate that the mission of Impactscool wants to arrive in schools and universities with a precise purpose:
“Impactscool is spelled without h for a reason, is not a mistake. Impact is cool: impacts can be good if you know them in advance.” – explained Andrea Dusi – “With Impactscool (which is a non-profit organization) we bring a new subject in the classroom: the future. Not as something abstract but as a tool necessary to analyze the big changes under way and study their impacts, to understand how to work together for the best of possible futures.”
You can read the full interview here: