Destination space: Linda Raimondo’s journey
6 May 2020 | Written by La redazione
Aspirante astronauta e divulgatrice scientifica, Linda Raimondo è stata protagonista di una nuova puntata di “20 minuti dal futuro”
Believe in your dreams and fight to achieve them. This is the message that Linda Raimondo, aspiring astronaut and scientific popularizer, launched during the chat with Impactscool for the April 30 episode of “20 minutes from the future”.
Linda is a student at the University of Turin and, like all her colleagues, today she is confronted with new forms of distance learning. But he does not lose sight of his goal: to become an astronaut and go to space.
The passion told in a book. Linda Raimondo has recently published a book, “Between the stars and a little further” (Mondadori), where she wanted to convey all her passion and desire to achieve her goal. “It is aimed primarily at young people, – he told us – but also at all those who have a dream too big to keep it closed in a drawer, like mine. It wants to be an encouragement to pursue one’s passion, despite being faced with objective difficulties. It is really nice that you can not give up and overcome obstacles. ”
In the book there are 10 letters, each of which offers particular advice to the reader. “These advice – he told us – have served me a lot to date. I, in particular, am very attached to the last letter of the book, addressed to the dreamer, where there is an invitation to never stop dreaming, regardless of what one’s passion is. “