Doing business in a post-Covid world
4 June 2020 | Written by La redazione
New appointment with 20 minutes from the future, this time with Davide Sola, professor of ESCP Europe, to talk about new post-Covid business models.
The emergence of the new coronavirus is a catalyst for innovation: to survive, businesses have had to invent and develop new business models. According to what logic and with what prospects? We talked about it with Davide Sola, full professor of ESCP Europe and president of 3H Parteners.
Crises are great opportunities. In dialogue with Sola in the episode of 20 minutes from the future Andrea Dusi wanted to ask first of all what the companies that were affected by the consequences of the lockdown might need to survive. “If they are still alive today after 3 months – commented Sola – they must think about how to develop, in the new normal, because this is the great bias that in my opinion many companies have, that of living in terror. Crises are always opportunities for great innovation and changes, what I always say is if after 3 months you are still there probably now where to think about how to rebound and be more resilient. One joke I always make is ‘don’t wait for the problem, think ahead of the problem’. ”
Sorry the rest of this entry is in italian.