Marketing of the future: goodbye to marketing?
25 May 2020 | Written by La redazione
Society is changing and with it consumers: what will the marketing of tomorrow be like? We talked about it with Fulvio Fortezza, university professor, consultant and trainer, guest of 20 minutes from the future

Marketing: a word on everyone’s lips, but few really know. We tried to clarify and deepen the topic with Fulvio Fortezza, university professor, consultant and trainer, interviewed by Andrea Dusi during a new appointment of 20 minutes from the future, broadcast live Thursday 21 May.
What is marketing? “Marketing – Fortezza explained – is that thing that many known to know but few really know. And this is a big problem: since he describes affordable techniques and tools, everyone has put his hand in it, often clumsily. If we understand what marketing is, we can get the most out of what I love to define the “management philosophy”: it is a way of seeing the relationship between the company and the market, an element that we need today for the great complexity that around. ”
Doing well marketing is also something that has something to do with the future: “It must start from the analysis of the weak signs of change. Marketing means intercepting the relevant change when it is invisible to many. This is where the great opportunities come from. You don’t have to get to the important trends when now they are visible to everyone, you have to look first. To do this it takes entrepreneurial spirit, but also a managerial component to break down the various pieces of change and translate them into signals, which then become plans, products, services and experiences put on the market “.
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