Cristina Pozzi guest of Striscia la Notizia’s column “Occhio al futuro”
1 October 2018 | Written by La redazione
Guest of the “Occhio al future” column, Cristina Pozzi spoke about the changes that await us and that will concern the environment, work, family and education.

What should we expect from the future? How will 2050 be? Cristina Pozzi, CEO and Co-Founder of Impactsccol, tried to answer these questions in the episode of “Occhio al futuro”, column of the popular television show Striscia la Notizia, presented by Cristina Gabetti and aired on Saturday 27 September on Channel 5.
Cristina talked about the momentous changes that await us and that will affect all sectors of our society: from the environment, increasingly endangered, to the way we conceive the family, from how we will change our careers to how we will succeed in innovating the world of instruction. We are experiencing an epochal transition and to face it the only solution is “Learning to learn”.
You can watch the full show at this link.