Energy efficiency: smart & green solutions
4 December 2020 | Written by La redazione
We interviewed Matteo Zanchi, Founder and CEO of Enersem, an innovative spin-off company of the Politecnico di Milano that deals with consultancy for energy efficiency and development of systems capable of managing and monitoring plants
Europe is failing in its goal of protecting its citizens from air pollution. To say this are the data released by the European Environment Agency, which underlined that in most European cities the air quality is well below acceptable levels. To bring about real change, however, it is not enough to intervene in the transport sector: improving the efficiency of domestic production and heating can and must be a shared goal.
Enersem, an innovative spin-off company of the Politecnico di Milano that deals with consultancy for energy efficiency and development of systems capable of managing and monitoring plants, works in this sector.
What are the solutions available to us? What are the challenges for the future? We talked about it with Matteo Zanchi, Founder and CEO of Enersem.
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