Future Society
We teach the future, even online
21 December 2018
| Written by Thomas Ducato
On Redooc.com the course "Analyzing the Future" by Impactscool is now available
Everyone, in our daily life, think of the future. This characteristic distinguish human from other animal species. However, do we do it the right way? Not always, also because no one has ever taught us to think about the future in a systematic and structured way. For this reason, Impactscool brings the teaching of the future in schools and universities of Italy and the world, to train not only children but also their teachers. Thanks to the collaboration with Redooc, some lessons of Future curated by Cristina Pozzi, Ceo and Co-founder of Impactscool, are now also available online.
The teaching of the Future. In some countries of the world, the "Future" is a school subject already starting from elementary school: in Northern Europe, with Finland leader, children learn from very small techniques and methodologies to face the future in the right way. The world in which we live is complex and there are many variables the can influenced future: we must be able to recognize and evaluate them. Only in this way will we be aware of all the possibilities. To do so, however, it is necessary to consider the future as a real science using tools like
Future Thinking.
The Impactscool course on redooc.com, entitled "Analyzing the future", is divided into three sections: "The future as science", "Signals of the future" and "Exercises on the future". Each section contains video lessons and graphic presentations, full of examples and ideas to replicate the activities even after the online course.
Students have the opportunity to take the lessons of Impactscool on redooc.com independently or "guided" by their professors, who can use the platform to experiment with new methods of digital teaching. Access to the site is free, while for viewing the videos and carrying out the exercises, registration is required (free).
"We are happy to collaborate with redooc.com -
Cristina Pozzi explained - because it is perfectly in line with our idea of education and training. On the platform, we have brought the issues we face in our events and workshops. Access to our content is free and we hope to reach many students. Through the space on redooc.com we are able to introduce our vision of the future and thus give a taste of the programs that we bring into the school to train students and teachers".
Redooc is a digital teaching portal dedicated to scientific subjects, which offers a new way of teaching and learning, from the Primary School to the University. Owned by StarRock srl, an innovative start-up with a social vocation, redooc.com is a platform optimized for LIM, PC, tablet and smartphone, which provides support to teachers, thanks to video-lessons and interactive exercises explained and organized as a great online game.
Thomas Ducato
Graduated in Publishing and Journalism at the University of Verona and journalist since 2014, he deals with the press and communication activities of Impactscool, also taking care of the blog contents, their dissemination and sharing.
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Thomas Ducato
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