Saving the Italy brand
27 April 2020

For the twelfth episode of “20 minutes from the future”,...

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A breath towards the future
24 April 2020

Ever since the first hominids realized that using a stone...

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The countless uses of artificial intelligence
23 April 2020

Artificial intelligence is now everywhere, we often do not notice...

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In balance between privacy and ethics
21 April 2020

The Italian government has chosen the app to do Contact...

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Explore the world to explore yourself
17 April 2020

Who is Alex Bellini? Using his words it is “a...

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The world of volunteering after the new coronavirus
16 April 2020

For this new 20-minute episode in the future, we plunged...

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Artificial intelligence: between innovation and emergency management
14 April 2020

We are seeing it in these emergency days, a flourishing...

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How to tell the stories of new technologies
10 April 2020

In this emergency we have seen a rapid spread of...

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When the blockchain enters our homes
8 April 2020

From the banking to the monetary system, passing through the...

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The potential of 3D printing, beyond the Covid-19 emergency
6 April 2020

In recent weeks, the whole of Italy has been able...

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